1.1—Elements of a great story
This double-sided worksheet pairs with "Stories Are Like Tacos: Episode 1".
Page 1: Students are given an example breakdown of Love That Dog by Sharon Creech, and then space to break down one of their own favorite stories.
Page 2: A labeled version of my taco simile with explanations.
1.2—Planning and Building The Plot
This double-sided worksheet pairs with "Stories Are Like Tacos: Episode 2."
Page 1: Walks students through the (3) steps of building their plot: Answering the Big Three (Who, What, How), diagraming a 1-sentence summary, and creating a short synopsis.
Page 2: Two plot tips and some workspace for students to plot out a story they know to get the hang of it.
Click HERE for a sample short synopsis of Deathwatch, as created by Bookrags.
1.3—identifying and creating your theme
This double-sided worksheet pairs with "Stories Are Like Tacos Episode 3".
Page 1: Walks students through (2) strategies and examples of theme building: Identify what theme they want to include in their book and strategically plan ways to SHOW AND NOT TELL through their plot
Page 2: Activity where students choose a book and identify the author's theme and how it is shown, not told, through various plot devices.
Page 1: My crash course HOW TO overview of book writing, start to finish.
Page 2: Some helpful "What if" statements to get you started.
so you want to get published
Page 1-2: My crash course overview of getting traditionally published.