I teach 8th grade social studies full time at Tamanend Middle School where I try to slay boredom wherever it lurks (which is potentially a lot of places, as this is social studies we’re talking about). It’s the greatest job ever because middle school kids are hilarious and awkward, capable of great kindness and depth, as well as shocking ambivalence and cruelty. In other words, perfect book material. So I started writing stories for and about my students, which is the second greatest job ever.
Some other stuff about me: I love poetry but don’t understand it; I want Gordon Ramsay to give me a fatherly hug at some point; I tend toward the unapologetically dramatic; I'm a recovering gamer who can sometimes be found reading the novelization of HALO. I firmly believe that self-deprecating humor is the best kind, and I strive imperfectly to love Jesus and those he put in my life. And I love tacos.
Civil War Amputation Lesson! Learning is doing.