Old Town Books
Hanging in Alexandria with the great booksellers at Old Town Books during a tiny DC jaunt. Q&A, probably some of me wearing an American flag jacket, and book signing!
Spy Museum in DC!
Breaking and entering at America’s capitol to hang at the Spy Museum and sign books!

Milton Hershey School
Elementary and Middle School presentations for launching One book One School!
Barclay Elementary School
1/2 day of writing workshops and presentations with grades 4-6. Shoutout to the great Jennifer Wasserman!
Kutz Elementary
1/2 day of writing workshops and presentations with grades 4-6. AND Matt will be staying after school to hang with the parent/kid bookclub for PRIVATE NOBODY! Shoutout to the great Kate Carroll!
Abington Middle School
Epic day of presentations and writer workshops with the great Lori Snead. Can’t wait!

KEYNOTE - KSLA Conference!
Slinging product and talking writing/teaching at the annual KSLA conference in Hershey, PA!
Strayer Middle School
My return to Strayer after years of Covid disappointment! A day of auditorium presentations and workshops with my local people. And then tacos at Fiesta Habanero!
Poquessing Middle School
Returning after getting COVID canceled in 2020. It’s gonna be EPIC!!!
Warwick Elementary School
STOP #5 on the OPERATION FINAL NOTICE TOUR brings me back to the famously epic Mrs. Kehan at Warwick Elementary - LIKE 1 MILE FROM WHERE I TEACH. Big group sessions with grades 4-6, writers’ workshop, and book signing! Thank you Chris Kehan for being such an author champion!
Buckingham Elementary School
STOP #4 on the OPERATION FINAL NOTICE TOUR brings me back to the amazing Mrs. Kraus at Buckingham. Big group sessions with grades 4-6, writers’ workshop, and book signing!
Keystone State Literacy Conference
Gonna be a wild day here, doing a bunch:
7am-8m: Breakfast Keynote - “OMG LOL: Humor’s Role in Life, Literature, and the Classroom”
1015-1115am: Breakout Sessions - “Civil War Bookclubbing: A case for the not-boring club”
1-330pm - Author round table - Q&A with some other peeps!
All docs and sources from my talks can be found here
Charles Boehm Middle
I return to the great BOEHM for the kick off of my new book, OPERATION FINAL NOTICE!!
SLINGING PRODUCT at my daugther’s school for an author-in-building perk!!
Abington Junior High School
Thanks to the epic Maddie Krassner, book vlogger and reading Olympics Boss, I’ll be making an in-person visit at the close by Abington Jr High!!!
Heading to my backyard to hang with the amazing 7th and 8th graders of STRAYER MIDDLE. Shoutout to Eric Thompson who connected me with Shawn Storm, and librarian Ms. Sara Wignovich!
Faith Christian Academy
Visiting my old high school rival to share my writing journey and how the heart of my stories is really just the heart of the gospel. It’s gonna be lit.
Wentzville School District - St. Louis
The amazing librarians of Missouri nominated my last book for the Truman Award, so I’m continuing the midwest magical journey in St. Louis with as many schools in Wentzville SD that I can rollerblade to in 1 day.
Palmyra Area Middle School
Getting my sweet tooth on by Hershey at south central PA’s finest district. Day of presentation and writing workshops with students of the great Wally Popejoy. YES I WILL BE EATING CHOCOLATE straight from the Hershey magical fountain when I find it.
Olathe School District
Hanging in KC for 2 days of school visits and library events in honor of the “Trail Challenge” bracket nomination! Also lots of BBQ. And a Royals game. And maybe some John Brown history. Who knows.
Our Lady of Czestochowa
Returning to the amazing OLC kids in Jersey City for a full day of workshop and book talks! Shout out to the amazing Mrs. Martineau for bringing me back!
Newtown Middle School
Assemblies and workshops with the epic students of Newtown Middle! Thanks Kristin Parke for bringing me in!!!